Oded Kahn

Press Kit
Between the ages of 14-21:
Played in two “teen” bands
Finished 'A' level high school music exams (theory, implemented, classical music appreciation & group performances)
“Teen” Band sample - Sunrise
After my army service (2000-2002), decided to take music as a career path.
studied for 10 years under the French-Israeli guitar virtuoso – Loren Nakash
Between 2002-2008:
Played with the band Pai-Mei as a lead and rhythm guitarist and, as lead and backing vocalist.

2 year college degree as a sound Engineer in the Tel Aviv Collage “Sound” - Graduated with distinction (Two of my final mixes / exams were presented in a Featured CD by the school).
Sound Engineer in “Surround” studios, 6 months later promoted to manager of the Studio.
Sound Engineering Teacher at “Shafririm” special education school.
Guitar Teacher at “Surround Studios”
Private Guitar Teacher.
Guitar Luthrie course (Guitar Engineering, Repair & Building) with master Luthier Yaakov Algranat.

Founder, Co-writer, lead Guitarist, Vocalist Producer & Manager of the Progressive rock band, Mindless Echoes.
The band's debut album was called “Rebirth” the concept was formed from an idea I had a few years back – 12 songs, each depicting a different phase in life. From Birth to death, each song would tell the story of a particular phase. It was a huge project which meant a lot of research and thorough thinking. Each song had it's own characteristics and personality.

Projects Summary
2002 – 2008
Lead / Rhythm Guitars, Lead / Back Vocalist @Pai-Mei, Rock Band
2009 Soundtrack composer @student film
2009-2012 Founder, Lead Guitarist, Lead vocalist @Mindless Echoes, Progressive Rock Band.
2011 – 2012
• Co-Producer @ProgStage, Music Events Organization.
• Co-Producer @RockComfort, Multi Band Musical one off.
• Founder of Mad Eye Music – Music Production Company, Musical Experimentation.
Executive producer @Underground Music Band, a wedding and formal events band.
• Lead Guitarist @The Diamonds, A wedding and formal events French-Israeli band.
• Paint My Music – Two Painters, one Musician – An exploratory show on mood manipulation and improvised creation. Sponsored by Volvo (Israel), the curator Bosmat Niron
Composer @Art exhibition by a guest Japanese painter – Holon Art Museum.
• Musician, Producer @KaHnO, solo album.
Producer, Gutiar, Bass, Keys, Mixing @Self promotion video
Composing, Recordings and Mixing demos @Kizi online gaming site. • Composing, Recordings and Mixing @Miles Of Musik, music library.
2015 - 2017
• Bass Guitar @4Tuoze Matroze – a well established Dutch ban
• Muscial Producer, Bass, Guitars @Orange Tea Theater's production of Reservoir Dogs
• KonnektId Collaboration, Ukulele Workshop – A historical perspective and an introduction.
• Guitarist @Fiverr Collaboration with Kutiman
• Musical producer @Marjolein Stehmann & Band.
• Co-founder and Musician @LiveYoga, Yoga & live music classes.
• Researcher @Off The Cuff musical experiment phase I – An exploration of creaticvity
• Composer, Editor, Mixing @Nightmare, a short film by Prasad Sawnat
• Construction of the Mad Eye Music Studio in Amsterdam NL
Composer, Multi-instrumentlist, Mixing @Acculmulate Dissipate, A story of loss and grief.
• Sound Engineer, Mixing Engineer @Rasven Song production of In the Company of No One
• Co-Founder, Musical Director @Lucky-Beat Music school
• Bouzouki, Guitars @4tuoze Matroze Album Botvieruh!
• Sound Engineer, Mixing Engineer @Shaggy Greys live recording.
• Musical Producer, Multi-instrumentalist, Mixing E @Abhi, Songs Of India.
• Sound engineer & Creative Producer @Audiobook for remote tribes in Suriname on how to preserve their environment from the looming threat of global warming.
• Freelance Musical Producer @Universal Singapore
• Work & launch of my album
Loss & Release
• Live show with 4tuoze matroze @Paradiso (big hall).
Bachelor degree courses at the Open University of Tel Aviv in Arts and Humanities; studying Philosophy, History, Cinema, Music, and Social Studies.
Co-producer of ProgStage's first event with the collaboration of Petah Tikva municipality.
Lead Guitar, Producer & Manager at Underground Music Band.
Lead Guitar at he Diamonds - French-Israeli wedding band.
Founder of Mad Eye Music Services, Production and Music services company: “Mad Eye Music”.
Mentionable projects:
- Unknown Music -
Three musicians enter a studio, each one gets their own private room. The only thing they hear is a Click (Metronome) and the idea is they have to play with each other without knowing what the others are playing. This was mainly a psychological experiment of the musicians psyche. I wanted to experience and see how musicians react and play under unknown conditions.
The results speak for themselves:
- Paint my music -
Two painters, one musician – the idea is to actively “control” the painters mood and to create a change in their painting, while improvising and looping the music to create a deeper sound and depth. The two painters painted simultaneously on the same canvas, converting the mood of the music to brush strokes.
We gathered on the 1st of May 2013 to perform in an art exhibition sponsored by Volvo (Israel), the curator Bosmat Niron invited my project to play and paint while people roamed around the art works:

- Mad Eye Music's Student film soundtrack -
- Mad Eye Music's routine work -
Mad Eye's specialty is providing custom tailored music and sounds for any purpose .
Mad Eye Music sells it's music at “Audio Jungle”, “Band Camp” and on the website itself.
The tracks are produced, recorded, edited and mixed by me.
Mad Eye Music Track video - Pulsed Madness
Mad Eye Music track - Green Commercial
September 1st 2013 my wife and I moved from Tel Aviv to Amsterdam (NL).
Business promotional videos after the move:
I am me once more – A cover for the Malaysian-American singer "Zee Avi" that I produced, edited and directed
Rhayader Goes To Town – A cover for the progressive band “Camel”
2013 - 2020
Bass Guitar at 4touze matroze.
Lead Guitar at Maya Shanti

Live performances and festivals:
MelkWeg, North Sea Jazz Club, At the Oeral festival, So What (in Gouda) and all over the Netherlands in small and big venues and festivals.
4tuoze matroze – Zeemeermin
Lead guitar for Singer Songwriter Dean Medina.
Guitarist, Singer at Bankje Collectief. An Amsterdam project that involves locals from all neighborhoods.
Collaborating with KonnektId I've created a Ukulele workshop where I covered the history of the instrument, it's origins and taught the participants how to start playing it, hoping to increase the awareness of the instrument and make it a bit more popular in the Netherlands.
A live reading of “Reservoir Dogs”, collaboration with the Orange Tea Theatre. For the live reading I had to rearrange and musically produce the soundtrack from the original movie and perform it on Guitar and Bass.

Co-founder & Musician at Live Music. Live music played by trained musicians during a Yoga session.

While working using the Website; 'Fiverr' I've collaborated with the renown YouTube artist Kutiman. Recording several guitar parts fort his song 'Inner galactic Lovers'
“Off The Cuff” experiments: After the positive feedback I've received from my 'Unknown Music' experiment. I've started working on new musical experiments.
Though the website is still under construction here's a short text about the premise and samples of the recordings I've already made.
"I suggest taking a different perspective on our creative mind.
We can recognize elements of the creative process in the manner that we solve everyday problems, even those that are not necessarily artistic in nature. But they present us with an opportunity to find a creative way to solve them.
The way I see it, there are two principal paths by which we can approach a problem that requires an innovated solution.
The subconscious reaction and the instantaneous one (of course we sometimes blend those two options together)."
Worked with Prasad Sawant on the independent movie “Nightmare”. This entailed writing the score for the movie and editing, mixing and mastering the sound.

With my music / guitar students I work on various artistic projects besides teaching them of course.
I organize Jam sessions, live performances Multi-student song recording and work on Luthrie projects with them.

Musical production is also a passion of mine and through the years I have musciallt produced various bands including Flow, Heaven Bound and of course my own band. In 2015 I've produced a local Dutch band of a former student of mine Marjolein Stehmann.
For more productions check out my production company's website: www.MadEyeMusic.org

Lurthie Project to come:
* At the moment I am working on a plan to make a complete overhaul to the guitar (and other instruments), its structure and how sound travels through it and behaves within it. *To do that I need a studio to work from so the project is a bit delayed at the moment.
2017 - 2020
Co-founder & Musical director at Lucky Beat music school.
Also in 2017 I applied to a program brought by the Municipality of Amsterdam, to support musicians and their work.
I was accepted to the program and was awarded a subsidized space to build a studio for my work, art and teaching.
As as then I have a permanent spot in the heart of Amsterdam where I work on my various projects and teachings.

In 2018 I lost my brother to Cancer,
The extremely difficult time he was battling with the sickness led me to write Accumulate - Dissipate, his story told through my eyes.
From 2019 - 2022 (During Covid too)
I've recorded, produced and mixed dozens of songs and projects. Most of which are available on my website and YouTube.
At the moment I'm also recording Demos with the band, Forbidden Stars and running AirBnB experiences of performances in pitch-black.